Aging of skin

Aging of skin depends on time which results into specific changes in the appearance and function of human skin. However, we also interact with our environment and get exposed to harmful rays. “Aging” is composite of two biological processes: natural or intrinsic aging and skin’s interaction with the external environment is extrinsic aging. Lifestyle choices also plays an important role in texture of skin.

  • Intrinsic aging: Aging is a natural biological process which is irreversible and unstoppable. This happens due to shortening of the telomere of the chromosome. Aged skin is manifested before 70 years of age where, skin is pale, dry, dehydrated and showed by fine wrinkles.
  • Extrinsic aging: The significant environmental factor is ultraviolet (UV) rays which causes hyper-pigmentation, inflammation and tanning; also called as photoaging. UV A penetrates deeper than UV B rays. UV radiation causes cells of the skin to mutate and may cause skin cancer. Smoking nicotine makes cells age faster. Hormonal imbalance and environmental pollution leads to changes in characteristics of skin.
  • Endpoint of both intrinsic and extrinsic aging is decline of skin’s function [Zhang S. and Duan E.,2018].
Skin aging

“Looking Old”

  • The fact of looking old or ugly has negative effect on confidence, self esteem, social interactions and emotionally thus, it has social and cultural relevance across the world. A person’s age is predicted on the basis of wrinkles and pigmentation. This perception affects social appreciation and acceptance.
  • Dry skin (xerosis cutis) is one of the most prevalent condition in to age world leads to sleep deprivation, bleeding, cracks, etc. and in future due to scarcity of water [Peytavi B. U.,Kottner J.,Sterry W.,et. al.,2016].
  • Sustainability of the skin can be attained by following good skin care regime, living and eating suitable your own skin.
