
Skin being the largest organ of the human body and it regenerates. It enables thermoregulation and vitamin D production, and it acts as the sensory organ of touch. Skin is made up of three layers epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. Pigment of the skin depends on the melanin level. Skin (epidermis) with hair protects our body from foreign substances and pathogen by maintaining the pH level acidic [Weather D.spoon,2018]. Skin behaves as an indicator for many internal defects. Normally, there are 5 types of skin: normal, dry, oily, sensitive and combination; it’s tropical use of cosmetic differs [Baumann L., 2008].

The rising global warming has made skin exposed mainly to ultraviolet radiation which affects the cells of the body and causes pigmentation, may lead to skin cancer [Brenner M. and Hearing V., 2009]. Skin diseases contributed 1.79% to the global burden of disease measured in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) [Karimkhani C.,Deppavalle R.,Coffeng L.,,2017].  Skin ailments can be genetic, disorder, infectious, age related, etc. Psoriasis, acne and dandruff are the common diseases caused to humans.

Skin undergoes many alterations and hence skin maintenance and nutrition intake is necessary [ Boelsma E.,Hendriks H.,Roza L.,2001]. Cosmetics is used in day to day life, not only for decoration and attractiveness but also for skin care and maintenance [Heyam S. A.,2018].
