Skin care

Skin being the outer covering of the body, skin care is an essential aspect. In today’s scenario due to extrinsic factors are harming our skin and resulting into photoaging, infections,etc. Hence, protection and maintenance of our skin from these factors is important. It is said ‘Prevention is better than cure‘ in similar terms Skin care regime has to be followed.

Skin care includes:

  • Tropical products as per skin type
  • No harsh chemical applications
  • Eat right
  • Sleep well
  • Be stress free
  • Covering the body from harsh environmental conditions
  • Protect skin from Ultra-violet radiation (UVR)

The concept of skin care is not well defined. It is a kind of an umbrella term covering  cleansing, perfuming,  changing  appearance,  changing  body odour,  protecting  and  keeping  the  skin  in  “good condition”. 

In the last decades our perception of skin care has broadened and soothing of skin symptoms/conditions, improvement, restoration of the skin’s barrier function and integrity have been added. Today, modern skin care includes cleansing, soothing, restoring, reinforcing and protecting. With increasing age the emphasis on skin care is changing. The  information on skin care procedures is plentiful but little scientifically documented and the number of  products available for cleansing, soothing, restoring, reinforcing and protecting is of an almost infinite variety. Nonetheless their functionalities may be described as
Removal of dirt, sebum, microorganisms, exfoliated corneocytes and other unwanted substances from the skin. Reduction of unpleasant skin symptoms (e.g., pruritus, burning and odour).
Restoration of (sub-clinically) damaged skin (e.g., dry and inflamed skin). Reinforcement of  undamaged but vulnerable skin (e.g., skin surface pH balance, germ reduction). Protection of damaged, undamaged and vulnerable skin from various foreign factors. Providing a pleasant skin feel (well-being) [Niell U.,2012].

  • Moisturizers : A product that adds water, and often some emollients, to the skin. A variety of types of moisturizers are available (for various skin types) and are necessary for all skin types to prevent dehydration. Replaces water lost from the skin. Dryness and flexibility cannot be corrected with oils. Only water oil is used to limit the evaporation of water. 
  • Cleansing creams and lotions 
  • Cleansers for oily skin 
  • Lighteners 
  • Anti-aging
  • Anti-acne 
  • Sunscreen 
  • Self-tanner
Skin regime
Weekly regime
Benefits of skin care
